Top Five Favorite Outfits I Have Worn in My Life
1. My prom dress from Senior Prom. Looking back at the picture, I realize that the style I chose made my hips look HUGE. What was I thinking?
2. Black Girbaud jeans with this black shirt I wore dancing to "The Palace," in Provo. Is The Palace still there? My roommates assured me that my butt looked totally hot in those jeans.
3. My wedding dress.
4. This pair of plaid shorts and shirt from the Gap that I bought in 1992. They were totally cool and I loved them.
5. One piece, jumper maternity outfit that I had when I was pregnant with Emily. It was so cute! I loved wearing it.
Your friends' dresses are so modest.
I know. I had very modest friends. Mary, on the far right, is a lesbian now though so I'm not sure if prom dress modesty is a good indication of much of anything.
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