I was released from my calling back in November and called to be the ward Personal Progress leader. I have been going to Young Women now for about a month and I am loving it. This is not the first time I served in Young Women. I was a young women myself once. A long time ago and I'm sure I gave more than one leader grey hairs with my drama and neediness. Then when Chris and I were first married, I served in the stake YW presidency. That was fun except that you don't interact with the girls really, mostly just the leaders. We did do one really fun activity that I have never seen another stake do. It was a Mother/Daughter overnight. We went to a cabin somewhere. It was fun. The best thing was I was 9 months pregnant with Christopher and I had to dance in long, footie pajamas to some song with the other adult leaders. One of them started swinging me around and around. My water broke the next day.
I served in the stake YW again when we lived in Toledo. That was my very favorite calling ever. Not because of the work, but the women I got to serve with were IN.CRED.I.BLE. Karen Eckel. Stephanie Southam. Suzanne Wadsworth. Karma Terry. Great, awesome, wonderful women who I would serve with in any calling, anywhere, any time.
When we first moved to Plymouth, I got to serve as an advisor and a counselor and that was my first taste of actually working with the girls. Those girls are now 21-23. Unbelievable. You know my first love is Primary, but being with the YW is really fun. They get jokes and are so dramatic and silly and just fun. I am really liking it.
I've been working on planning New Beginnings. The theme I came up with is "Now is a Great Time to be a Young Woman." I've got the program done and am really excited to see if everything works like it should. The only thing I have to worry about is if the girls will follow through and actually do the parts of the program that they are assigned to. I think that is probably going to be the most frustrating part of YW for me. Letting go of control and letting girls take over even when I know they aren't going to do the kind of job I would do. Wow...that sounded really snotty. You know what I mean, right?
But you know the best part of my calling? It's being with Emily and Anna every Sunday. They are my favorites.
Chilean Culture
10 hours ago