I need to get into a regular posting schedule.
Sirius Black is my favorite Harry Potter character besides Harry Potter. Yesterday, someone told me that they have a hard time getting through the movies. Because he was a bit older than me, I forgive him, but he is on my list of people not to be trusted. I am considering camping out for movie 7 tickets now.
My favorite album besides Beatles is Hysteria.
I don't like my kids to play in the snow because it is such a mess when they come in.
I am making homemade macaroni and cheese for dinner.
My ultrasound is on January 29. Stay tuned for gender news! Tomorrow my baby is as big as a turnip.
I don't get the song "Push" by Matchbox Twenty. I don't want to push anyone around.
I love reading other people's blogs. I spend too much time on it.
My laundry room is becoming much more functional. I am thankful for Chris' hard work in there. I wish I had a webcam in there so that I would keep it clean. Knowing that people might be looking at it would be good incentive.
My new Primary class is great and I love them but I don't know if I am a good teacher to one of my students. He is a handful. I don't know quite how to deal with him.
I haven't taken a shower yet today.
I love being a mother but the hours aren't really convenient to my sleep schedule.