I've chosen the names for our baby. Usually I have no problem telling people them. I usually don't care what other people think of them but when I told someone recently what they are, she acted like the names were just terrible. Even said they seemed "too heavy" for a baby. Whatever that means. I've decided I'm just going to get them out there in the open and you can read them and digest them and if you hate them, you can hate them in private before you have to swallow hard and tell me how cute you think they are.
If we have a girl, she will be Genevieve Anna. I think we might call her Gennie-sounds like Jenny. I know the spelling is a little awkward but you have to use the G with Genevieve. Chris' grandma was named Genevieve and she was one of the coolest, nicest, funnest ladies I know. Of course, Anna is named for my sister, also one of the coolest, nicest, funnest ladies I know. I like that the Gennie ties her back to me. I was called Jenny in grade school and switched to Jennifer in high school. NO ONE calls me Jenny now if they want me to respond. I used to really hate it and then I found a little card that my mom had written to me when I was young and she wrote it to "Jenny." Then I found the name sweet and endearing. So Gennie she shall be.
Our boy will be either Theodore Henry or Theodore Hamilton. We will call him Teddy. Chris' grandpa's middle name is Theodore. He is a WWII vet and one of the most honorable men I know. He has always supported Chris even when others didn't. Also, Teddy is the romantic leading man in the Emily books by LM Montgomery. I LOVED him! Perfect name for our little boy. The middle name is still up in the air. Henry is for one of Chris' relatives, Henry Dew, that I feel a kinship with after doing his and his wife's temple work. Hamilton is a family name on my side. I like them both. Maybe I'll let the kids vote.
So Gennie or Teddy it will be. I honestly think they are cute for a baby and have perfectly great names (Gen and Ted) for when they are adults.
I love the name Theodore! And have almost used it myself once! Teddy is darling... and I like Theo too! Yes, I realize that takes you back to the Cosby show... but who doesn't have fond memories of that?!? :) Great names! I hate when people feel the need to tell someone otherwise. If it is your baby... you are carrying it and planing on raising it... I say you can name the child anything you want and I certainly have no say in it! (unless it is supportive of course! ;)
i adore the names. and i'm not just saying that. i really do. in fact Diana and I were saying that if we have girls we would both consider the name Genevieve. Love it.
Ha, Danette beat me to it. I was going to say the same thing--just yesterday we were discussing that if either of us have a girl we love that name. Now, getting my husband on board would be a hard task so I bet I'll never get the chance but oh how I love that name. I also really like the name Henry but Marc will have none of that one either. Oh well!
Get fiesty Jennifer--it seems you've had entirely too many people voicing opinions about YOUR family and YOUR babies. Tell them it's none of their business! When the baby is a year old, no one ever thinks a thing about the name you chose because their personalities are exactly the name you've chosen. We had a little bit of that with Anderson. Big name, little baby. But he's nothing but an Anderson now and no, he doesn't need a nickname.
It doesn't matter if a name is "heavy" for a baby. He or she will only be a baby for about a year and will be an adult most of his/her life!
I think the names are great! What you didn't say was whether you are hoping for a girl or boy....
Also, where in the world did this post title come from? I can't place it.
I love the names, seriously! I knew a Genevieve who went by Gennie (she spelled it Ginny) and I always thought it was a lovely name. I also have a very good friend named Theodore (goes by Ted now). I love it when names are in homage to a family member or other special person in your life, and tried to do the same with my own kids. BTW, did you get Emily's name from the same books?
I like 'em too. I just don't like Jevin or Barrack or that other one that was weird, stump, or something.
I forgot to tell you, Tony's been trying to teach Lucy to call you Aunt Jenny.
Stump? That would be a weird one. Lucy can call me Jenny.
Stacie--it's from an old SNL skit with Nicholas Cage called A**wipe Johnson.
Angie--That wasn't the main reason for Emily's name but it helped add to the charm.
THOSE ARE SUCH WONDERFUL NAMES! Whoever said that was on drugs. And what does it even matter what she thinks. It is your family and you will chose what you want. They won't be babies forever.
You know how I feel about the name Teddy--we almost had one. And if we ever have another baby boy your baby (if its a boy) could have a name twin. Great names!
I also loved Chris' grandma Gen. She was wonderful so I think that is a great name. Linda C.
Fabulous choices for names Jennifer! Love them both. Can hardly wait to meet the new babe.
L O V E them!!!!!!!! I'd have to tell you in private what I think of folks who find it necessary to be negative in any way about a new baby!! Lucy is going to love a new cousin....
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