I might not have any taste.
I was listening to Mitch Albom's show on WJR last week. It was last Monday, the day after the Golden Globes. They were talking about who won and who said what..blah, blah, blah. He commented that "Brooklyn 99" and Andy Samberg should not have won Golden Globes. He said the show and actor are not funny.
I think they are funny. I laugh at Brooklyn 99. I laugh at Andy Samberg. I like other shows that people think are dumb like "New Girl" and "Dads" and "Ben and Kate". I like watching award shows. Golden Globes, Academies, Emmys. I think they are funny. Usually the shows I like get cancelled.
I like good food at restaurants. I don't know why. I can't write paragraphs about them and the nuances in the flavors and textures. I just like stuff. If someone asks me if I like a restaurant, I will say yes or no. I can't back it up with any reasons. Either the food is good or the food is gross.
Same with movies. I like them or I don't. I don't have a long list of how this joke was canned or whatever take on American society this was. If a movie has a baby or a wedding, I like it. If it has a death, I do not like it. If kids are hurt...don't like it.
Some books I like and some I don't like. I can handle a sad book over a sad movie. Actually, I really like sad books. Especially if they are about any aspect of WW2. Don't know why. Don't care to expound. It's just what I like. I don't like sappy love story books. James Patterson. Nicholas Sparks. Never Ever Ever will read them. Ever.
Here's something else I don't like. Mitch Albom. He was mean to my husband when they both worked for WJR and I've heard several people who worked with him refer to him as Satan incarnate. I've tried to read his books but the fact that he was mean clouds all his "wonderful perspective on life and the afterlife."
Also I'm pregnant with baby #9.
Chilean Culture
10 hours ago
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