This week has been mid-winter break for my kids and they have been home all week from school. I love it so much when they are home. I love being with them and talking with them and doing stuff with them. I love eating lunch together and watching movies and playing Webkinz. This week we had a fun time doing lots of various things together and apart. On Monday, we did some house cleaning that they weren't very excited about but needed to be done. On Tuesday, we did some more house cleaning that they weren't very excited about again. On Tuesday night we got to babysit for baby Lucy and that was really fun. We also watched the DVD, "North Avenue Irregulars," that Grammy gave us. This is one of my very favorite movies from my childhood and I was thrilled that she found it on DVD and gave it to us. To my delight, the children loved it too! Our favorite parts are when the ladies have to sing, "Roll out the Barrel" at the hot dog stand and when Cloris Leachman comes out of the hair salon in her frosting cap and wet fingernails. It is a riot! On Wednesday, Emily, Christopher and Calvin slept over at the Heiners. They had a maximum of fun on a minimum of sleep. Spencer slept over at Grammy and Grandpas, so Cameron got to be an only child for a night. On Thursday, we went with Heiners again to see the Bee Movie for $1 at the Briarwood Theater. I didn't really like the movie, but it was fun to be with Jodi and to watch Cameron eat all of her Junior Mints. Jodi has been making me the greatest desserts lately. I guess she doesn't care how fat I get. :) Today she gave me a pan of what my aunts call: Waist Expander Bars. They are peanut butter rice crispy treats topped in chocolate. Yummy!! Grammy and Grandpa took us out for a late lunch to Dos Pesos and in all our fun, I forgot Emily's piano lesson. (Sorry Melissa! :( We'll be there next week, I promise!!) Today, thanks to Angel Tedesco at WNIC, I got my hair colored and my eyebrows waxed at Visions Salon in Novi. It was a very fancy salon and I felt sloppy there but my hair looks great and my eyebrows no longer look like the eyebrows of Shannon O'Neill's stepdad from highschool. I always thought his might take flight at any moment. We are going to have a quiet rest of the afternoon playing DS or watching a movie. I might even take a nap if I can con the kids into washing the lunch dishes for me. It might sound like we live a very unexciting life here, but I am so happy and content with my family. I couldn't want for anything more. I can't wait for summer vacation!
Sounds like a fun week. And you still have Spring Break to look forward to! Did you win the hair-do from the radio?
I LOVE that movie. Really, it's one of my all-time favorites. I love the chase scene at the end. I think it's best watched with kids, however. I made Brian watch it with me once, and it is a real testament to the strength of his love for me that we remain married to this day. I'm glad to find other true fans! (And no worries about piano). :)
How fun to get pampered! Whenever I go get me haircut the ladies ask if I'm doing my eyebrows too. I guess one of these days I should take there hint. Yours look great!
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