The reason I love the Beatles so much, besides the fact that they are the most talented and awesome band ever, all stems from one day in 1986. I was 12 years old and it was Christmas Eve. My dad and I had gone shopping for my mom's present weeks before. It wasn't hard. All she wanted was the "Abbey Road" cassette tape. We went to Peaches (Toledoans do you remember Peaches?! It was the ONLY place to buy music. I spent infinity time and money there.) and bought the tape. I remember thinking it was pretty stupid looking. Four guys with long hair in suits crossing the street. Definitely not my cup of tea. We wrapped it and set it under the tree to wait for Christmas Eve.
This was the first Christmas Eve in my life that we didn't spend at my grandma's house. The few weeks preceding Christmas were very tense in my house. My mom had a lump in her breast and she had a biopsy to determine it's threat level. This was the second time my mom had cancer in her body and just another issue for her in a long line of medical conditions and surgeries. My parents decided a trip to my grandma's would be too stressful this year. So we had our little Christmas Eve party at home. I remember getting a Michigan hat and gloves and scarf set. It was my favorite. Hard to believe I was ever a Michigan fan!
Just before we were set to open our presents there was a phone call. It was my mom's doctor telling her that the lump was not malignant. It would have to be removed but there wouldn't be chemo and radiation. This time. At the time, I didn't understand the magnitude of how wonderful that was. I just knew that my mom and dad were so happy.
My mom opened her tape and had me go get my boom box. She put the tape in and we listened to side one. It was ok. But then we flipped it to side two and I first heard the song, "Here comes the Sun." I remember my mom picked up my sister and danced around the living room with her singing that song. She would play it over and over and over. I loved the Beatles passionately from that moment on.
I like to believe that the words of the song spoke exactly how she felt at that moment. Here comes the sun and I say its all right.
You are awesome. You have been through so much. I sometimes are in ah how yo handle this trial you have been given. Love u. cvsr
What a beautiful memory! Thanks for sharing.
Love you.
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful memory of your mother and the imprint it left on you. You are truly a strength to me. Thank you!
That was so sweet. Thanks for sharing this!
Here comes that sun is one of my favorites. I have shared the music of the Beatles with my children at school and the parents have thanked me for introducing their children to the Beatles. Linda
This was so amazing. Thank you for sharing such important memories. It makes me realize how big the small things really are. What a gift you've given me today!
What a sweet story. You have a great memory!
:D her favorite song! I love the beatles!
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