Last week and weekend were full of great happenings.
We had Liam here with us while his parents were on the Youth Conference Pioneer Trek. My kids had so much fun having him here. Liam is such a bright spot of sunshine, always smiling and laughing. We would take him anytime!
Christopher and Liam went to 11-year-old Boy Scout Day Camp on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Their fun included: swimming, making a catapult from scratch, trying to get President Dunnigan's hat and a grueling five mile hike. Christopher came home exhausted each day. I'm glad that the program was organized so well with such great leaders.
On Friday night, we drove to Toledo for a picnic with some of my dearest high school friends. I'm sitting here contemplating how to describe these girls whom I could always be myself around and who never made me feel silly for the church standards I tried to keep. Four of us made up our senior class presidency and I can't tell you how much fun we had working together. We did a skit together for an activity senior year, in which we flash forwarded into the future. I portrayed my future self as pregnant with baby #8. Even then, I knew what I wanted to do with my life! I'm only 2 away!
Between the five of us, there are 16 children with one on the way. The kids had such a great time playing. I was so glad they got along so well. We girls got to reminisce about old times like Senior Half Time Show with Thriller and our not so successful senior prank and Maggie did her great impression of Ghandi. We talked about our current lives and the joys and challenges we face. It was so much fun. Julia, you better be there next time!
On Sunday, we got a huge surprise. On the way to church, I got a text from Anna saying that the M Vickers were here. The only M Vickers that I know are the McVickers-Pat and Diana. And the only here I know is here. I raced into the church building and sure enough, there was Pat and Diana McVicker sitting in a pew next to Anna and Tony. It was like my dad was there! I love Pat and Diana McVicker! Pat was such a great friend to my dad, our bishop for many years and just one of the best people you will ever meet. They came here to deliver a state quarter collection to Anna and I that my dad helped him start 10 years ago. Very cool! They stayed for lunch and it was great to talk and laugh and remember. It really was like Dad was at my house.
My heart is full with joy and gratitude that I have made so many friends that will last my whole life through. I have dear friends that I see every week at church, friends a little farther away that I follow through Facebook and blogging, friends that I see only randomly yet I still hold dear. I long to hug each of you and talk and laugh and share. Thank you for sharing your life and your friendship with me. You have enriched my life beyond measure.
Chilean Culture
9 hours ago