I saw the movie "Confessions of A Shopaholic" with my in-laws on Saturday. Chris was out of town for Valentine's Day and they were very sweet to take Lizzie and I out for dinner and a movie. I was a little worried about how Lizzie would do in the theater but she watched it for a minute and then fell fast asleep and stayed that way for the entire film.
The movie was delicious. I loved it from the beginning to the middle to the end. I loved the actress, Isla Fisher, who played the main character. She was cute and funny and delightful to watch. It was like discovering Reese Witherspoon in "Legally Blonde" or Jennifer Garner in "13 Going on 30" all over again. The movie was funny and endearing and has the perfect ending. The main character, Rebecca Bloomwood, learns a lot in the film and it feels so genuine. I recommend it and if you are going, take me with you because I want to see it again.
The topic of the movie was one that I could totally relate to.
Hello, my name is Jennifer and I am a Shopaholic.
This is pretty embarrassing to admit because we are supposed to be frugal and wise with our money and I have not always lived that principal very well. I could shop all day and all night. I would buy shoes and purses and clothes and hair accessories and coats and perfume and makeup--for me and my entire family. The mannequins talked to me like they talked to Rebecca Bloomwood..."Jennifer, that sweater is fabulous. And, it's buy one get one half off...so get 4." There was a time when I heeded the siren's call and spent with no thought of consequence. I did it because, as Rebecca says in the movie, shopping makes you feel so good and so happy that when you are done you have to do it all over again. The labels mean nothing to me, however, higher end more expensive clothing feels better and fits better for some reason. I don't know why.
I have worked really hard to keep this part of my personality under control. Having little to no money really helps. :) I stay away from malls as much as possible. I try to shop with an exact knowledge of what I need. I take my husband with me so that he can keep me in check. Last week, I found an old store credit for Parisian in my wallet. It was for $33. I hadn't been shopping at a mall on my own in a really long time. I decided I would go and spend it. I went to look for something for Lizzie but they didn't have what I wanted. I lingered at the tiny little Ralph Lauren baby clothes and had to clothes my eyes and walk away. $36 for a baby dress is too much, I told myself. It's just too much. I wandered over to the women's department and fingered a fine cotton sweater in the most lovely shade of pink that cost $189. I almost couldn't breathe as I looked at the Laura Ashley dresses for the upcoming Spring season. They were gorgeous. I turned and walked away...I didn't need these clothes, I told myself. I descended the escalator and a banner was before me declaring that It was Clinique Bonus Time! Did you hear me? CLINIQUE BONUS TIME!!!!!!!!!!! There is almost nothing more satisfying than a tiny little makeup bag full of goodies from Clinique. But, I kept on walking. I was sucked into the Juniors department where I found three really cute shirts for Emily that were all on sale but, I am embarrassed to admit, the bill was over the $33 that I had in store credit. I made my purchase and couldn't get out of the store fast enough. I didn't feel wonderful as I had in the past. I felt wasteful and stupid. I sat in the van for a while just thinking and breathing and wishing that I hadn't spent anything over the $33 that I had in the first place.
One thing I have learned over the years is that there are other ways to achieve the good feelings that I get from shopping. Helping others, writing my feelings down, working on a project at home and completing it, serving in the temple, talking with friends and family...all of these achieve the desired affect that shopping also brings about. However, they don't send me a bill at the end of the month plus interest. I have learned to be happy with hand-me-downs and Kmart clothes because I know that in the end, it's just clothes. It's not what's on the outside that matters. The Lord cares about what is in my heart and doesn't care if the shirt I wear cost $4 on sale or $100 at a fancy store. I'm grateful for this knowledge.